Some events are focused on specific missions, i.e. recruiting new members or raising funds for our Chapter’s philanthropic causes – and all of them are designed to build Brotherhood. You can help us raise awareness (and money) for muscular dystrophy, fighting cancer, or cleaning up the environment. You can meet Brothers young and old. Our Brothers have an eclectic variety of personal interests. If you are into something, there is a very good chance one of our Brothers shares your interest as well. From demolition derby to spelunking to playing sports, to video games, to philanthropic causes. Whatever it is, you can find a Brother with similar interests.
If you are a Brother (Active or Alumni) and you know of an event coming up, please share the details at the bottom of this page and we will be sure to include them in the next issue of the Newsletter. If you have photos taken during a past event you’d like to share, please send them to Drew Davids (AΨ440) at for inclusion in the photo gallery here on our website and in the Alumni Newsletter.

A couple of examples of our smaller gatherings we have done regularly in the past are Annual Ski Trips, Float Trips, and local Recruitment events. Our Annual Ski Trips happen early in the year and historically have been in Colorado. Sometimes the members of the Active Chapter organize one with a Brotherhood/Recruitment focus before returning to Rolla for the Spring semester. Skiers and snowboarders take to the slopes during the day, and either hang out together in the shared vacation house or take in the local fare in the evenings. Everyone is responsible for their own costs for travel to the mountain, equipment rental, and lift tickets. Lodging and food costs are either shared evenly amongst all attendees or sometimes even taken care of by a local alumnus. Contact the Chapter President for details.
There has been an Alumni Ski Trip the first full week in February since . Travel, equipment rental, and lift tickets are the responsibility of the individual; and lodging/food/beverage costs are shared amongst all attendees. The location of this trip is a consensus of the attendees after the primary coordinator shops around at local ski resorts for the best lodging deals he can find. Contact Pete Russell for more details (
Brother Nick Ereckson has hosted an Alumni Trip the first full week in February for over ten years now. Similar logistical requirements as the Active Ski Trip (travel, equipment rental, and lift tickets are the responsibility of the individual; and lodging/food/beverage costs are shared amongst all attendees). The location of this trip has historically been to Winter Park, but Brother Ereckson shops around at local ski resorts for the best lodging deal he can find. Contact Nick Ereckson for more details (720.841.7408;
Advising & Registration (AR) Days Schedule Click HERE
Are you a future S&T student and researching your living options? Did you know that Missouri S&T is one of the few Colleges where Fraternities are considered “Campus Approved Housing” for new students? That means you can join Theta Xi (or any other Fraternity) and move right into your home away from home from Day 1! Come check out Theta Xi during your AR Day. During AR Days fraternities at Missouri S&T have information booths set up in the Havener Center where future students and parents can get information on Greek Life at S&T and ask specific questions (check out our own Parents’ FAQ page by clicking the link in the navigation bar above). Find the Theta Xi table for information brochures and slick sheets and answers to your questions! We encourage you and your family to visit our brand new Chapter House to meet some of our members and take a tour of our beautiful new building. We are conveniently located right across the street from the Missouri S&T campus at 16th & Pine. Come meet Chapter leaders, undergraduate members, and even Alumni who will be more than happy to answer all questions about the benefits of going Greek at S&T; and even help you look at other fraternities you may be interested in. If you find your people at Theta Xi during your visit, you can coordinate with Chapter officers to pick out your room for your first semester (Space is limited)!
Do you know when your AR Day is going to be (see schedule at link above)? Do you want more information on membership at Theta Xi? Do you have general questions about Greek Life on the Missouri S&T campus? Click HERE to be directed to our recruitment form. Fill it out completely and a Brother will get in touch with you shortly
Please submit details for upcoming Theta Xi events in the form below.