About the Alumni Association

Alpha Psi Alumni Association Leadership Team

Alumni Association

President – Brad Hornburg (Alpha Psi 200*): P: (314) 400-0295; E: bhornburg@lcminc.com

VP Recruitment & Retention – Vacant

VP Facilities – Kris Maschler (Alpha Psi 383*): P: (816) 437-0864; E: kcmash@sbcglobal.net

Treasurer – John Meyer (Alpha Psi 433*): P: (314) 413-3367; E: meyer08@swbell.net

Secretary – Drew Davids (Alpha Psi 440*): P: (913) 484-6283; E: 518757@gmail.com


The Alumni Association for the Alpha Psi Chapter of Theta Xi Fraternity is a Housing Corporation and owner of record for the property.  We have owned 1605 Pine Street since we moved from our original Chapter House on State Street (about 50 years ago). We have owned 1603 Pine Street since 2017 when we decided to build our New Chapter House. Not all Fraternities at Missouri S&T can claim to be the owners of record for their buildings AND the land their buildings sit on.

We maintain a close partnership with our undergraduate members continuing their education at Missouri S&T.  It is our mission to be a source of mentorship and guidance – either directly or through our brilliant undergraduate leaders – to all members of Theta Xi through all stages of membership.

W/ Gratitude,
Drew Davids